Everyone at RMM is responsible for maintaining an inclusive, safe and harmonious work
Sexism, homophobia, racism and religious intolerance are examples of prejudices that manifest themselves in our society and are reflected in corporate environments, marginalizing
people and inhibiting their personal and professional development. By recognizing its role as an agent for transforming society and promoting Democracy, RMM is invested in constantly improving its ESG (environmental, social and governance) initiatives to promote healthy relationships.
On the RMM's 59th anniversary (2020), we conducted an inspiring conversation with Preto Zezé,
President of Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), which also stimulated the creation of the
Advocacy Diversity and Equity Committee
Diversity and Equity Committee
One of these initiatives is the work done by RMM's Diversity and Equity Committee. Created during the 2020 Brazilian Black Awareness Week, the Committee is made up of Advocacy volunteers from different areas and positions. About 15 lawyers, employees and interns meet periodically to promote inclusion initiatives and combat different forms of discrimination, in order to ensure an inclusive, diverse, equitable and safe environment for all. The Committee's goals are:
1. Contribute to the construction of a peaceful, fair and inclusive society, respecting the Sustainable Development Goals (UNDP).
2. Identify, attract, retain, engage and promote professionals, at all RMM hierarchical levels, that reflect the national demographic composition.
3. Promote innovation.
To achieve them, the Committee's work is divided between awareness and education campaigns, and the creation of policies that promote RMM organizational culture.
To achieve these goals, part of the Committee's work is to identify sensitive points for the promotion of values such as inclusion, diversity and equity within RMM. After that, in partnership with the management and Human Resources Department, educational actions and suggestions for organizational policies are created to impact our communication efforts, hiring processes and pro bono work.
In May of 2021, for example, RMM organized a training day with Instituto Da Cor ao Caso. The initiative follows an internal reflection on the first Law Firm Census results, which aims to create an annual “demographic map” of the profiles that make up our team to establish goals and policies aimed at the RMM sustainable development.
The first meeting took place on the Cultural Diversity World Day for Dialogue and Development (May 21, according to the UN agenda), and dealt with gender issues with more than 50 people from the RMM. In the second round, which took place in the week that marked a year since the murder of George Floyd - a case of police violence that gave rise to movements such as #BlackLivesMatter and #VidasNegrasImportam -, the training central theme was race issues.
As Lucas Miller, RMM partner and manager said, "What a law firm does is defend justice and freedom, so promoting collective learning opportunities like this one is an essential part of our work.”
“Excellent RMM initiative! This importance awareness of racial literacy and the debate on diversity in organizations is fundamental both for the company's performance and the construction of a healthy and respectful relationship between the team's professionals, even if this relationship is virtual. The interaction of those involved was great and brought a very positive impact to the training!" commented Anita Machado, Executive Director of Institute Da Cor ao Caso.
RMM was founded based on humanist pillars, and understands that we need to work together constantly to build the Advocacy and society that we want to be.
"These initiatives are part of the necessary steps to ensure the development of professionals aligned with RMM organizational values and the firm's longevity", concludes partner Thiago Miller.